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You Won’t Believe How Smart These 10 Cat Breeds Are

Photo by Esin Deniz from Shutterstock


The Siamese is one of the most popular and recognizable cats in the world. It’s also known and adored for its beautiful coat, curious nature, and very chatty tendency.

These cats are extremely intelligent, affectionate, and also energetic. They adore playing and they need a lot of attention and the company of loved ones.

If you want to keep this kitty’s brain as busy as possible, you need a lot of puzzles and teaser toys. If you have the option, you might even have to get a big cat tree for climbing, as it would definitely appreciate it.

If it gets boring, a Siamese will definitely entertain itself by opening cabinets or even turning on faucets.


As its name shows, the Singapura comes from the streets of Singapore. The breed arrived in the U.S. in the 70s, and it’s still seen as a rare breed. These intelligent cats are usually playful, outgoing, and extremely curious.

They absolutely love being involved with whatever their owners might be doing. They would rather stay active and climb, than sleep all day long.

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