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You Won’t Believe How Smart These 10 Cat Breeds Are

Photo by Gino Santa Maria from Shutterstock


The Korat is originally from Thailand, and it’s another rare breed. In fact, the Korat is seen as a symbol of good luck in its homeland.

They’re absolutely brilliant and super attentive to what’s in their surroundings. Korats have moderate energy, but they love playing interactive games.

However, as much as they love playing, they also love sleeping. This bread will easily learn new tricks, such as playing fetch and walking on a leash.

You can also teach this cat all the important household rules, as long as you reward them with praise and treats.

The kitty adores its toys, even if it’s too stubborn to share with others. If you have many toys, that should be fine for a Korat. They love attention and are very affectionate with their families.

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