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You Won’t Believe How Smart These 10 Cat Breeds Are

Photo by Med_Ved from Shutterstock


The Savannah is a rather rare and exotic breed, that’s also wildly intelligent. It came from the crossing of wild African servals and domestic cats.

This big hybrid still has some of its wild sides in appearance and sometimes in attitude. They require a lot of space to run, jump and play. They get bored super easily, so they require a lot of interaction and environmental stimulation.

The breed can even take long walks on a leash. You might be surprised to know that they love water, as they have something to play with.

They will also go into nooks, drawers, cabinets, and even boxes. In time, it might even learn how to turn on the faucet!

You have to make sure you protect all the fine china and any other breakables on shelves, as this leaping kitty adores climbing and exploring!

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