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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by Lindasj22 from shutterstock.com

#2 Savannah Cat – $10,000-$50,000

Savannah cats are still basically wild animals. Because of their exotic nature, these cats aren’t even considered to be a domestic breed. Because of this, despite nearly a century of being raised in captivity, Savannah cats are prohibited in more than a few US states.

However, Savannah cats will only eat raw meat; they won’t eat regular cat kibble. Keeping a Savannah is similar to raising a wild animal because they don’t accept outsiders and don’t use litter boxes.

Because of their keen hunting instincts, Savannah cats aren’t always a good choice for homes with animals like hamsters and birds. Their temperament is gentle, though, so with the right socialization as a kitten, they can make a wonderful friend for other cats and dogs, kids, or other folks in the homes.

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