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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by Seregraff from shutterstock.com

#3 Bengal Cat – $10,000-$25,000

A cat cannot be more than four generations away from a wildcat in order to be considered a true Bengal. In the 1970s, domestic shorthair housecats and a wild Asian Leopard were crossed to produce the first Bengals. 

Given their proximity to wild creatures, some countries have outlawed these cats. For instance, you cannot possess one in New York City or Hawaii. But because of this characteristic, these cats are highly expensive and rare. Bengals with the correct bloodlines can sell for up to $25,000, while prices around $10,000 are far more typical.

Bengal cats are actually quite affectionate and charming, despite the fact that they are pretty similar to their wild ancestors. This cat is a devoted friend and forms strong bonds with its owners. Being a big, active cat, the Bengal must run, jump, and play to be happy. They are also very smart and curious felines.

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