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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by DenKara from shutterstock.com

#4 Khao Manee – $10,000-$11,000

There’s a good chance that you’ve never come across the Khao Manee cat. Even though this cat has existed for hundreds of years, the Thai people have kept its existence a secret. 

It is a naturally occurring breed with pearly white fur and shiny eyes. The Khao Manee is nicknamed the Diamond Eye Cat due to its distinctive eyes, which are frequently different colors and have been mentioned in recorded texts dating back to the 14th century.

These lucky charms are friendly, active animals who are completely devoted to their owners. They love to be the center of attention, and they frequently are so because of their intriguing appearance and outgoing personalities. Khao Manees make wonderful household pets and wonderful playmates for kids.

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