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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by stockelements from

#7 Toyger – $3,000-$5,000

The Toyger, a hybrid of a domestic shorthair cat and a Bengal cat, was created by the same breeders who created the Bengal cat. Contrary to their Bengal counterparts, a lot of these cats are entirely domesticated, despite having markings resembling those of tigers. 

Toygers typically have a friendly, laid-back temperament and offer exotic looks without the challenging behaviors that sometimes come with truly exotic cats. They are highly intelligent cats that enjoy being stimulated and challenged by their owners. 

Toygers still have a sense of adventure, even though they may not be as energetic as their Bengal siblings when it comes to climbing or exploring. According to the Toyger Cat Society, they usually like to stick fairly close to their people and are more likely to want you to play with them instead of entertaining themselves.

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