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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by Dmitruj from

#5 Sphynx Cat – $1,800-$9,800

Of all domestic cats, sphynxes are among the easiest to identify. They are recognizable by their lack of hair and their bright eyes, which cover the majority of their cute faces. The lack of hair in this breed is the product of a spontaneous genetic mutation, which has no negative consequences for their health. 

Ironically, Sphynxes are not native to Egypt. The breed actually started out in Toronto, Canada. Sphynx cats typically sell for $1,800 to $4,400. However, certain Sphynxes with exceptional quality and bloodlines or those with uncommon color patterns might cost as much as $10,000.

This breed is loving, friendly, and loyal to its owners. It will follow them around the apartment and seek to participate in whatever they are doing, taking every chance to sit on their shoulders or snuggle up in their laps. The sphynx should be an indoor cat for its own safety and generally, it also gets along well with kids and other animals.

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