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The 10 Most Expensive Cats in the World

Photo by NTP_RASTA from shutterstock.com

#6 Persian Cat – $1,500-$5,500

It appears from historical evidence that Persian cats have existed for thousands of years. These cats are known for their playful personalities and loving dispositions. They have long, luxurious coats that give them a distinctive appearance. They are easily spotted by their easily recognizable flat, mushed-up faces, and large, protruding eyes. This allows them to have a variety of looks and they can seem anything from royal to downright bonkers!

Persian cats are cheerful and curious, but they won’t drive you crazy by snooping about your house hunting for water glasses to tip over. The sturdy build of Persian cats also makes it unlikely that they will try to climb the curtains. The most likely place to find them is curled up on the coziest pillow.

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