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8 Surprising Signs Your Cat Actually Likes You

Photo by savitskaya iryna from Shutterstock

#3 Observe How Your Cat Is Greeting You

The way your cat welcomes you is among the most overt indications that your favorite animal likes you. Cats greet other individuals in their social group by displaying signals that imply friendliness and a desire to get close. The same signals are given to people by cats.

The feline version of a wave, a tail held in the vertical flagpole position, conveys a pleasant purpose and expresses friendliness, trust, and affection. Some cats will wave their tails in the form of an upward question mark to signal their desire to play or to welcome someone they admire.

Cats will occasionally entwine their tails as a symbol of friendship; the human counterpart is to wrap your leg in the tail.

Another indication that your cat has an incredibly strong bond with you is the familiar sensation when it taps the backside of your knee. The head bump, the feline equivalent of a high-five, is often reserved for a cat’s closest feline pals and most trustworthy humans.

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