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7 Ridiculous Cat Myths You Should STOP Believing

Photo by iVazoUSky Beata from Shutterstock

3. Purring = Happiness

We all know that cats purr. That low, constant rumbling you can hear is one of those things that makes cats who they are. If your cat is purring, it usually means that it is happy, content, and comfortable in your presence.

But you should know that this is not the only reason your cat is making that sound. Cats also purr when they are in pain, unwell, or frightened. But why do they do that? It is simple; they just want to comfort themselves. More than that, cat mothers can use purring to make their little ones feel safe.

It all happens in the brain. When the time is right, the brain sends a message to the larynx and diaphragm muscles of the cat, the air starts twitching, and there you have it, the purring sound.

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