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7 Ridiculous Cat Myths You Should STOP Believing

Photo by Maliflower73 Beata from Shutterstock

4. Are you rubbing butter on your cats’ paws?

If you’ve never heard of this, it’s said that rubbing butter on your cats’ paws will get them used to a new environment faster. For example, if you move and relocate to a new house, the butter will take away the smell of the old home, and if the cat licks the butter, it will get used to the new place faster.

As you would expect, this is completely untrue, and moreover, it can actually be dangerous for your furry companion because it can stress them. Also, you will have to clean all of those greasy paw prints from the floors and furniture of your new home.

If you want to familiarize your cat with the new home, a better way to do this is to keep your friend inside for the first two weeks so they can see the space is safe. After that, you can let them out during the day, but don’t leave them alone; stay with them at first. Also, it would be a great idea to microchip them so that if they ever get lost, it will be easy to find them.

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