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8 Toxic Foods Your Cat Should NEVER Even Touch

Image By Jaromir Chalabala From Shutterstock

#3 Dairy

We have all seen cartoons where all the kittens are crazy about milk and butter, so we all think about how they all love milk. After all, what else would cats eat if not milk?

However, what many people do not realize is the fact that most cats are actually lactose intolerant and cannot process any dairy (yes, that includes butter, milk, cheese, and yogurt). However, not all cats are lactose intolerant, and before you jump to the conclusion that your kitty is fine, it differs from cat to cat.

The safest bet is to make sure that they do not eat lactose, as they can end up getting diarrhea and stomach issues much like humans who are lactose intolerant get! You can ask your vet if they can get the lactose-free versions (not alternative nut milk) as a treat from time to time if they seem to love it!

If your cat is not lactose intolerant, instead of giving them milk, you can give them as a treat some unsweetened plain yogurt, but not more than a tablespoon!

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