#8 Herbs and Veggies
This does not mean that all veggies and herbs are going to give your cat a hard time and be toxic for them! It just means that some of them should be avoided, both because of their curious noses and because they can lead to serious gastrointestinal problems and other severe health issues like damage to red blood cells.
You may have seen that cats avoid garlic and onions like the plague, so you know that they make our list of forbidden vegetables. Add to the list leeks, shallots, scallions, chives, and anything derivative of these as they are very toxic to them.
Any foods that contain these ingredients should also be avoided. And this includes the likes of garlic bread as well! The bread may not be a problem, but the dairy and garlic are definitely one of them!
They can eat other vegetables and herbs, but these ones we mentioned are a clear no!
And since we talked about kitties, we should also include the dogs in the discussion since they can be just as prone to wanting to eat what is on your plate! Read all about the foods you need to avoid letting your dog eat here!