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8 Toxic Foods Your Cat Should NEVER Even Touch

Image By bellena From Shutterstock

#7 Yeast

Yeast is not something that should be eaten by your cat because of the reaction it is going to cause inside its stomach.

The yeast can rise inside their stomach and end up causing more gas to form inside their digestive system; this can lead to their stomach being bloated and even painful, not to mention that it can lead to stomach twisting, which can prove to be fatal in some cases.

That is in addition to the fact that yeast also produces alcohol as a byproduct through fermentation, and we already discussed why that is dangerous for kitties.

So make sure your cat stays far away from yeast or any yeast dough you may be working with. On the bright side, if your cat is curious about your baked bread, they can safely eat a little bit of it, as if your cat is healthy, it is not going to cause them any harm.

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