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Watch Out! These 6 Cat Breeds Can Destroy Your Home

Photo by VittoriaChe from

#4 Oriental Shorthair

Just like its multicolored fur, the Oriental’s personality is unique. With boundless enthusiasm, vigor, and the belief that everything should revolve around them, they are born actors. They can change from haughty and royal to active and curious in a matter of seconds.

They can change from arrogant and royal to active and curious in a matter of seconds. They have a keen interest in what you are doing and will go to considerable lengths to participate. If you spend your days working and have a busy social life, this breed is not for you.

The Oriental is an attention-seeking breed that demands quality time with its preferred humans. They truly need to play, and they continue to do so well into adulthood. If you don’t provide your Oriental with enough toys, they might make their own, often out of things from the house you’d rather they didn’t have.

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