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Dogs SOS: 7 Reasons Why They Won’t Eat Anything

Photo by Phuttharak from shutterstock.com

#1 Pickiness or Food Preferences

Some dogs are simply picky, while others may refuse food if it is served to them in a hostile environment or in a bowl that is too high for them to comfortably reach. Never assume your dog is picky before even ruling out other options because a lower appetite in dogs might be brought on by illness.

Or maybe the food has gotten stale. Check the expiration or use-by date on the bag, or just use your nose. Buy a new bag and throw away any food which has gone stale or has a strange smell. Always get dog food bags that are about the same size as your canine.

Many times, dog owners wonder if their buddies are just sick of their food if they refuse to eat. While some dogs can be fussy eaters, a healthy, starving dog shouldn’t avoid eating a particular food just because they’ve been eating it for a while.

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