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Dogs SOS: 7 Reasons Why They Won’t Eat Anything

Photo by WilleeCole Photography from shutterstock.com

#7 You Overfeed Your Puppy

Sometimes, a dog’s refusal to eat its meals may not be the result of a behavioral issue or physical condition. Maybe they’re just not hungry!

It’s shockingly simple to overfeed dogs or give them too many treats. Keep in mind that the serving sizes listed on food packaging frequently exceed what a typical dog would need.

The morning bowel movement is normal, but during the day it becomes very soft. This is a pretty standard sign of overeating. Finding out if you’re overfeeding your dog is really simple, just check its bowel movement. 

Make sure that nobody else in the home is sneaking food to your dog by keeping track of how many treats they receive each day. And as usual, if you’re unsure about how much to feed your dog, consult your vet.

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