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9 Biggest Dog Fears You Didn’t Realize Until Now

dog fears
Photo by Bonsales from Shutterstock

Fear of people

You might be surprised to read that some dogs might have a deep-seated fear of people, especially since we like to say that dogs are men’s best friends.

And yet, not all dogs feel this way. Their fear is caused by inadequate early socialization, which might appear as a result of abuse.

There are a couple of ways in which you could solve this issue, and some of them also include positive reinforcement and helping your dog feel safer.

If the fear is simply too deep to resolve, you should consider calling an animal behavior specialist.

Fear of strangers

On the same note, some dogs have a fear of strangers. The main difference is that the dog is fearful of people he doesn’t know.

Forcing a scared dog to accept someone he doesn’t know could easily lead to a situation where the animal becomes aggressive to protect himself.

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