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Home Alone: 7 Dog Breeds That Will Stay Happily at Home Without You

chow chow dog
Photo by otsphoto from

7. Chow Chow

This little fluffy lion is widely recognized as being one of the most independent dog breeds out there. They’re used to not receiving much interaction since they’re rather aloof, and they’re frequently comfortable with it. As a result, be sure that your Chow Chow pup will be fine if you let it alone for a little while.

These dogs do well when left home alone, and they can stay like this for 7 to 9 hours without being a burden for them. One great thing that you can do is always give them some toys so they don’t get bored. And as they get older, these pups can stay alone for longer and longer periods of time.

Before you leave, make sure that your Chow Chow is out for a walk. Even if they are not the most energetic dogs, they still need to go out at least twice a day. Another tip is to never leave your dog alone for extended periods of time from the first time. In order to get used to this, they need a gradual buildup. Leave them today for two hours, next week for four, and so on.

If you need to take a flight but don’t want to leave your pet home alone, what are you going to do? One answer to this would be to take your pet with you. And this might be a good idea, but in order to do this, you need to know a few essential tips. Read the following article and find out everything you need to know when planning to fly with your companion: Flying With Pets: 7 Rules to Know Before Your Next Trip

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