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Home Alone: 7 Dog Breeds That Will Stay Happily at Home Without You

Photo by Olga Aniven from Shutterstock

6. Bullmastiff

If you look at a Bullmastiff, don’t be fooled by its appearance. This dog is not aggressive, and they are easy to train. Also, we would like to mention that they are docile, and even if they look intimidating and weigh up to 130 pounds, they are great companions that are completely ok to leave home alone until you get back.

Most individuals of this breed are active and are always open for brisk walks, but there are also others who are more sedentary. Now, what you can do is exercise with them before you leave the house, and everything should be fine.

Oh, and lastly, the Bullmastiff is an excellent guard dog. This means your house will be protected for all the time you are gone.

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