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Want The Most Adorable Puppy? Get One Of These 8 Dog Breeds!

Image By Maslin_CEO From Shutterstock

8. Pomeranian

They are fluffy, small, and incredibly adorable. The Pomeranian is a dog that looks like a fox and acts like a lion. He has no fear, and you will know when he is not pleased. Also, this pup has no hesitation in barking at other larger dogs.

Pomeranians are bold, feisty, and have egos that are for sure much bigger than them. They are very playful and love to be the center of attention.

Surprisingly, they are fine watchdogs that will immediately alarm you if they sense an intruder. Since they are active, you have to take them outside and play with them whenever this is possible. But because of their stature, they get tired easily, so you don’t have to worry too much about it.

Poms can be great companions if you want a dog that is easy to train and can live in small homes or apartments.

You should also read: WARNING: These 9 Dog Breeds Shed The Most Fur

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