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6 Weird Dog Laws That Might Get You in Prison

Image By Prostock studio From Shutterstock

6. Divorce? 

Have you ever wondered which spouse is going to keep the dog after a divorce? Usually, if this happens, the one who paid for the pet is going to keep it. But is this really fair? 

Alaska is the only state that has decided that the well-being of pets should be considered in divorce actions. This can be somehow compared to the way the well-being of the kids is taken into account when deciding which parent will take custody. 

So, let’s say that one of the spouses had abused the dog in the past. It is obvious that they will not take the pet with them after the divorce. Moreover, it is possible that they will have to pay an amount of money to the spouse that will get custody of the dog.

You should also check out: 7 Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds Perfect For Retirees

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