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6 Weird Dog Laws That Might Get You in Prison

Image By Andrey_Popov From Shutterstock

5. Seatbelts are required

We are going back to New Jersey, but this time we will take a look at the laws regarding the transportation of dogs in cars. Most of us carry our beloved pets around in the car. And we probably just let them sit in the back. Nothing wrong with that, isn’t it? 

Well, not really… And New Jersey is aware of that. If an accident happens, your dog can become a projectile, and nobody wants that. Because of this, every time you decide to take your dog in the car, you should try to keep him safe. Buy a doggie seat belt or carry him around in a crate. 

This safety measure is beneficial for everyone who is in the car. Drivers who will have unrestrained dogs in their vehicle will be liable for a fine between $250 and $1,000 per offense. This means if you have two dogs with you, the fine will be multiplied by two, and so on.

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