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6 Subtle Signs Your Dog Has Cancer

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3. Persistent bad smell

It is true that dogs smell like dogs. Some of us become accustomed to the smell, while others do not. The dog smell is not the most pleasant one, but it is natural, and its intensity can vary from dog to dog.

However, if you notice that your dog is suddenly smelling bad and not in the way he used to, there could be a problem. You gave him a bath and brushed his teeth, but he still smells bad.

An unusual, unpleasant, and persistent smell can indicate that your dog has a tumor in his mouth, nose, or other orifices. Be careful and observe if there are any other symptoms, like blood in the saliva or stools.

If you feel concerned, you can try to check the mouth of your dog for any unusual lumps. Even if you don’t find an unusual bump but notice any of the above symptoms, take your dog to the vet for further examination.


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