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6 Subtle Signs Your Dog Has Cancer

Photo by Ekwara Weythee from Shutterstock

4. Lameness or stiffness

You take your dog for a walk in the morning, like you usually do. You put on your coat and take your keys. It seems like you are all set and good to go. You take a quick look at your buddy, and he doesn’t seem to be that excited about your daily walk. Hmmm, probably everything is fine.

After a few minutes, you observe that he is struggling to walk. He keeps his limb in an unusual position and appears to avoid stepping on it. It looks like walking on it is causing him pain.

Maybe he just hit his leg on something, but if you know that your dog is old, this can be a sign of cancer. This is not always the case; it can also be arthritis, which is actually quite common in older canines, but since you can never be sure, you should take your dog to a specialist that can properly diagnose him.

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