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7 Most Popular Dog Breeds in Florida

Photo by Parilov from Shutterstock

4. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed in the entire United States, not just Florida. This pup was No. 1 in terms of popularity for many years in a row, and it looks like no one will change that very soon.

Labs are great companions. They are friendly, loyal, and make amazing family dogs. They also like to spend time with their owners and get along well with other canines.

In the case of Florida, Labrador Retrievers are more common in suburban and rural areas where people have more space to fit a big dog. But it is not unusual to see them on the streets of big cities.

Labrador Retrievers are excellent swimmers and will never say no to a day on the beach. You can try to play fetch with them in the water; we are absolutely sure they will love the idea.

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