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7 Most Popular Dog Breeds in Florida

Image By Shedara WeinsbergFrom Shutterstock

6. Rottweiler

This bulky and powerful dog is most popular in the rural areas of Florida. And it’s easy to understand why. It is almost impossible to keep this pup in a small, crowded apartment. City life is not suitable for Rottweilers. They need space to roam around and play.

Even if they look intimidating, you should know that these gods are gentle giants. They are loving guardians that love to spend time with the kids and will always protect their owners.

But this protective side can sometimes become dangerous. That’s why Rotties need to be trained since they are pups. In this way, if socialized properly, they will learn to adapt to strangers and other dogs.

In the same way as German Shepherds, these dogs are amazing at guarding your yard, and sometimes people who live in areas that have a higher crime rate prefer to own one as a safety measure.

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