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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by Jus_Ol from Shutterstock

1. Snuffle mat

This toy is an amazing option that will tickle your pup’s senses and keep them occupied for hours. Since dogs have such a strong sense of smell, this mat is a fabulous way to wake up those ancient hunting and foraging instincts.

If you are wondering how this mat is working, you need to know that things are incredibly simple. Just hide some of your dog’s favorite treats throughout the mat, and they will be more than happy to start searching for them.

To make things more interesting, because let’s face it, even if this is the most entertaining toy, pups will still get bored, you can pull the drawstrings and create new shapes. We know that this implies “destroying” the toy, but it is easier and cheaper than buying a new one.

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