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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by baldoespmeg from Shutterstock

7. Hide-and-seek toy

Who can say no to a good old game of hide-and-seek? We are sure that your furry friend can’t, and because of this, there are some toys that are great for any pup that likes to play hide-and-seek.

This is a plush toy that is amazing at activating the seeking instinct. If they like to dig, they will be more than happy to take the hedgehogs out of the den. But there is one thing to bear in mind: each toy has an appealing noise maker that will keep your pup interested and entertained. If this is what you are looking for, then congratulations! You have found the perfect toy. But if you live in an apartment and you don’t want your dog to make too much noise when they are playing, then this one is not for you.

However, this is not the only design available; there are many more that don’t make any noise. So, if you want a quieter toy, you can keep searching because we are sure you will find one that suits your needs.

You should also read: 8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

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