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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by elbud from Shutterstock

3. Treat dispenser

Is your pup a chewer? Do they destroy your shoes and cables every time they get bored or are home alone? Say no more, since we are here ready to help you. You might attempt to purchase them a gift if you want to show your support and keep them engaged for longer periods of time.

And the best present for them to overcome this problem would be a chewable treat dispenser. You can find many of them on the market. Some are for small dogs like chihuahuas or bichons, while others are more suitable for bigger dogs such as German shepherds or huskies.

If you decide to buy one of these, you will need to put the treats inside, and then your dog will have to roll it on the floor if they want to get the treat. This toy is a great choice if you don’t have time to play or just want to keep your dog busy.

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