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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by Barry Paterson from Shutterstock

6. Rubber chew balls

This is a classic, but it is incredibly efficient as well as enjoyable for chewers, especially younger ones. These chewable rubber balls are an amazing way to keep your pup busy when you are not home or when they are bored.

And the best part is that they can also be transformed into puzzles. You can give them to your dog empty, but if you want to put some treats or kibble in there, you can do that. More than that, you can use them to play fetch.

Also, the chewable balls are made from a non-toxic rubber material that is suitable for dogs of any age. This is a long-lasting and healthful product that outlasts those manufactured of TRP or PVC.

Another thing about this toy is that it is great for teeth cleaning. This means that if your dog chews them, they can help prevent plaque and tartar buildup. They also have a pleasant, light mint scent.

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