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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by Przemek Iciak from Shutterstock

5. Chaser tug

This is a fantastic option if you want something that can keep your pup on their paws. Dogs are natural chasers, and because of this, a chaser tug can be one of the best toys you can get for them.

No matter where your pooch prefers to spend their time and play, indoors or outdoors, if you don’t feel like playing with them, this toy can help you. It can keep them busy, and you don’t need to put in much effort.

Also, the extra-long cushioned handle is an amazing feature because that means you won’t need to bend down to play. So, you can keep the playing session going in an easy manner.

It may also be utilized for recall training since your dog is likely to find the fluffy end far more appealing than other distractions.

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