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What Can You Do to Help Your Dog After Neutering? 9 Important Things!

help your dog after neutering
Photo by IciakPhotos from Envato Elements

Help them rest as much as possible

Another thing you can do to help your dog after neutering is to let them sleep as much as possible. After all, they’ve been through a surgery that might have weakened them a tad bit.

If your dog is still a puppy, as they most likely are, this could not be simple since puppies are well known for having boundless energy. After spaying or neutering, your dog may hurt himself if you allow too much physical activity; thus, try to keep things as low-key as you can to avoid harm.

What vets recommend if you want to help your dog after neutering is to let them sleep as long as they feel like it and once a day (but only after a couple of days after the surgery) to take them out for a 10 to 15-minute walk.

But be mindful and don’t let them run or jump! Keep them as calm as possible.

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