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What Can You Do to Help Your Dog After Neutering? 9 Important Things!

help your dog after neutering
Photo by Jaromir Chalabala from Shutterstock

Maintain a regular diet

Within 24 hours of the operation, your pet’s appetite should start to return gradually. When you first bring your pet home, give them a half-size meal before giving them their regular evening meal. A second meal may be given to puppies and kittens during the day.

Always give them access to water! Furthermore, if you want to help your dog after neutering, don’t give it human food. Instead, follow the vet’s recommendation as much as possible.

Check the incision and keep it always dry to prevent infection

During the 10-day healing period, avoid bathing your pet and applying creams or lotions on the incision site since the surgical adhesive can break down too rapidly if it gets wet.

Although keeping your dog indoors is advised, after a few days following the neutering surgery you are allowed to let them out for 10 to 15 minutes as long as they are on a leash.

Do you need a proper cone for your dog but you can’t seem to find an affordable one? Check out the Super Dog Cone Adjustable Pet Cone Pet Recovery Collar Comfy Pet Cone Collar Protective Collar for After Surgery available on Amazon for just $11.99. We’d say it’s a good deal. But be careful this isn’t water resistant! 


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