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Wow! These 11 Designer Dog Breeds Look Surreal!

Photo by Jeff Caverly from Shutterstock


Those who love smaller dogs will go crazy when it comes to Pomchi, which is a Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix dog breed.

This is a fairly mixed breed that offers all the amazing qualities, strong personality, and sassiness of a bigger breed, combined with the cute and cuddly features of a toy dog. If travel size is something you like, you’re definitely going to love this little pooch.


The Aussiedoodle, also known as the Aussiepoo, is a brand new hybrid breed that resulted from crossing an Australian Shepherd with a Poodle.

It’s lesser known than other Poodle mixes, like the Goldendoodle and the Labradoodle, which makes him a great family dog.

The Aussiedoodle is extremely affectionate and gets along very well with everyone, both humans and animals.

The Aussiedoodle has two of the most popular parents ever: the Australian Shepherd and the Poodle.

Given that the Poodle comes in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy, the Aussiedoodle comes too.


The Puggle is a mix between a female Beagle and a male Pug. The rule here is that the two pure breeds always need to be this way.

Otherwise, there might be known complications. The Puggle was initially bred by Wallace Havens in the 1990s in Wisconsin.

If you’re interested in reading more about dogs, here’s what we recommend: 6 Friendly Dog Breeds That Love Socialization

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