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Wow! These 11 Designer Dog Breeds Look Surreal!

dog breed
Photo by Nathan.Jones.Camera from Shutterstock


The Golden Retriever Lab Mix, also known as the Goldador, is a great mix between two of the most beloved dog breeds in the world: the purebred Labrador and the purebred Golden Retriever.

The Goldador is a super playful and good-natured big dog. It is also known as one of the most gentle and loyal dog breeds, which makes him the perfect family dog and an excellent companion for any dog owner.

The crossing of a purebred Labrador Retriever and a purebred Golden Retriever results in this super-loving and caring designer dog.


The Goldendoodle is a successful cross between a poodle and a Golden Retriever. The Goldendoodle is at the top of the list when it comes to the most sought-after mixed breeds, very close to their cousins the Labradoodle and the Maltipoo.

However, their crossbreed origin shows that it can be quite difficult to show the exact characteristics of a Goldendoodle because this cute teddy bear dog is a family dog just as much as it is super smart.

Originally, the breed was created by Monica Dinkins more than 50 years ago as a wish to make a dog with a Poodle’s non-shedding characteristics. This designer dog breed could be easily used as a guide or assistance dog for people who suffer from allergies.

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