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The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

chow chow dog
Photo by Ksenia Raykova from

Chow Chow

They are rather small, they have a blue tongue, they are really fluffy, and they might also look very unapproachable. These teddy bears are able to form very strong bonds with their owners, but at the same time, they are not big fans of affectionate gestures like cuddling and hugging.

They don’t mind being alone since they are independent and quite aloof. They actually do very well when they have to live on their own. Also, as they get older, the time you can be gone from home increases as well. However, puppies can get sad and suffer from separation anxiety if left home alone for too long.

That being said, the Chow Chow is a great breed for people who want to have a self-sufficient dog that doesn’t rely on them every moment.

You should also check out: Stop Making These 7 Mistakes With Your Puppy!

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