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The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

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This flat-faced, cute gremlin is an incredibly entertaining dog that loves to dance, snort, and wiggle its tail. It would lay on your lap all day long and do nothing, or if the weather is nice, it would love to go for a walk in the park.

They are known to be affectionate, but won’t be upset if they have to adapt to your routine and accept the fact that you can’t always be at home. Don’t worry about the Pug when it’s home alone. This breed has a mischievous disposition and will surely find a way to have fun on its own. Just make sure that you have a lot of toys available for it and also cover everything that you think it can destroy, such as wires and other electronic parts.

Moreover, the Pug doesn’t require daily exercise, so stay cool and enjoy your days off. The dog is going to be alright.

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