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6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Dogs Can Do

Photo by Aleksey Boyko from Shutterstock

They can tell when earthquakes will hit

Yes, this is true. One of their “superpowers” is to detect earthquakes. Dogs are amazing creatures that can sense things that are outside of human perception. You’ve probably heard stories about dogs that began to act strange minutes, hours, or days before a major earthquake.

But how do they do that? Well, as you might expect, there is no magic involved. Unfortunately. According to the AKC, their method of detection is strongly tied to their ability to sense P waves.

Imagine a circle. When an earthquake occurs, let’s say in the middle of the circle, a lot of different waves are going to expand to the exterior, far from the source. The P wave is the wave that strikes in the exact opposite direction from all the other waves.

Humans don’t usually notice or sense the small P waves, but dogs with their more developed senses might feel them and act accordingly before anything has happened yet.

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