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6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Dogs Can Do

Photo by Milan Ilic Photographer from Shutterstock

They can sense pregnant women

The noses of dogs are probably their most trustworthy tool. They can sense a large variety of smells, and this is not stopping here. They can also remember most of the smells after long periods of time.

And you know what can alter the smell of a person? Hormones. When a woman is pregnant, her hormonal levels change and fluctuate. Dogs can feel these changes, and that’s how they can sense pregnancy.

The exact moment when they are able to do that is not exactly clear, but we do know that dogs are highly sensitive and can easily pick up clues about your physical and emotional state.

But how do canines react if they know that their owner is pregnant? It all depends on the dog. Some of them can become more protective, or they can even become afraid, while others don’t really react in any way.

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