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6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Dogs Can Do

Photo by Jus_Ol from Shutterstock

Dogs can sense magnetic fields

It is a well-known fact that our best friends, the dogs, have all their senses more evolved than ours. They have an incredible sense of smell that can help them become service dogs; they have an amazing vision; they can tell how you feel or if you are mean to them. They can do a multitude of impressive things.

But now we need to discuss another ability that they have besides all of this. Have you ever heard about magnetoreception? This is what the ability to sense the magnetic fields and then use them as a compass is called.

And you know what? Dogs have this ability, and that is how they always find their way back, besides using their nose. Some studies state that all of this is due to a molecule that is present in their eyes called cryptochrome 1. This is a light-sensitive molecule that reacts to a magnetic field when stimulated by photons.

On a humorous note, you should also know that when your dog is struggling to find a place to do their business, it is not its fault for taking that long; it all depends on the magnetic fields. Scientists have found that dogs prefer to have their bodies aligned on the north-south axis, and they dislike doing their business while being positioned on the east-west axis.

You should also check out: The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

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