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9 Awesome Tricks Any Dog Breed Can Learn

Photo by Emily on Time from Shutterstock


Lead is probably one of the easiest commands you can teach your dog. He will learn how to wait for you quietly and in place, and he will do so until you release him.

There will be times when you’ll need him to wait for you in front of an open door without running toward you. The best way to teach him this trick is to have your dog sit while you hold your hand in front of him as a “stop” sign.

After you notice he stops in front of your hand, you say “Stay”. This way, he’ll learn the command.

Make sure you practice in small increments. You will notice that over time, you will manage to increase the duration and distance and also include distractions.

Your dog should get his reward only if he remains in a seated position. If your pet gets up way before he’s supposed to, you can repeat the exercise.

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