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9 Awesome Tricks Any Dog Breed Can Learn

Photo by Ann Tyurina from Shutterstock

Give paw

Giving the paw isn’t necessarily mandatory to know, but what’s the whole charm about having a furry friend without “shaking hands” out of love?

It’s the cutest thing in the world! If you want to teach him how to give the paw, you begin by hiding a treat in your hand.

Every time he moves his paw, you give him a treat. Later, your sweet dog will get the treat when he touches your hand.

If he can do it the right way, you can hold the treat behind one hand and then require him to touch the empty, closed hand that’s in front of him. You will see that over time, you will open your hand when he puts his paw on your flat hand.

Then, you introduce the signal word, and of course, you can change the duration of time for which your four-legged friend will keep his paw in your hand.

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