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4 Violent Dog Breeds That Often Attack Their Owners

Photo by Parilov from Shutterstock

Labrador Retriever

Being America’s favorite dog breed, it is surprising that it is considered dangerous since it is also considered one of the best family breeds that you could get. And it is not something that is wrong! They are great with families and with children, but because they are very trustworthy by nature, they make for pretty poor guard dogs.

Despite this, they are still quite large dogs, as they were bred for hunting, standing up to almost 2 feet tall and reaching about 80 pounds in weight.

They are not known for being super aggressive, but they are territorial, and when they feel like they are being cornered, they end up snapping. Labradors are known to attack and push back when they are threatened, so while they are not the most dangerous dogs, they can still topple a human over and bite!

The end line is that if you train your dogs you will not have any issues with your pup! One thing you cannot change however is the amount of fur they leave behind! Make sure that you know which breeds shed the most if you hate finding hairs on your clothes by reading about them here!

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