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11 Warning Signs of Pet Allergies

pet allergies
Photo by Patrick H from Shutterstock

How to diagnose these allergies

If your pet shows any signs of any kind of allergic reaction, you might want to call the vet’s office.

In order to diagnose your pet’s condition and understand the specific allergens you need to avoid from now on, they will conduct an exam, which will also include an appropriate blood and skin test.

If you suspect your pet is allergic to a food ingredient, we strongly recommend trying a special diet where you slowly eliminate some foods to determine which specific ingredient you need to avoid.

Some pets with severe allergies could be referred to a veterinary dermatologist for more in-depth allergy skin testing and treatment.

How to treat and prevent them

Once you’ve established what your pet is allergic to, it’s highly important to avoid those substances as much as possible. Why?

Well, some allergens, like dust, are more difficult to avoid than others, but there are ways in which you can help minimize your pet’s exposure.

For instance, some pets that suffer from environmental allergies could also benefit from bathing once per week.

Bathing can strip your pet’s skin of much-needed natural oils, so make sure you ask the vet for the right shampoos that will moisturize your pet’s skin.

Besides, you should try to keep your pet’s environment as clean as you can and also minimize exposure to other potential allergens.

It could be clean bedding, curtains, or even flooring. For most pets, but especially those that struggle with flea allergies, it is recommended to use a year-round flea preventive medication like this one.

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