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11 Warning Signs of Pet Allergies

worst-behaved dog breeds pet allergies
Photo by Pixel-Shot from Shutterstock

Swelling of the face and neck

If the allergic reaction is caused by either a bite or a sting or if it’s caused by something your dog might come into physical contact with, they could experience swelling at the site of the allergy.

The symptom is generally seen in dogs who are stung by insects, but it could also occur with other types of allergies. Swelling of the site could be just another moderate symptom of pet allergies, but this doesn’t mean that it cannot rapidly escalate to a more severe one.

You also need to pay very close attention to your dog and watch for any changes in their symptoms moving forward.

If any of these symptoms worsen, or even if they develop new symptoms, you still have to go to the emergency vet.

Rapid heart rate

A rapid heart rate is another concerning symptom that’s often associated with serious pet allergies.

If your dog is suffering from any other symptoms on this list and you also notice a rapid heart rate, just take them to the emergency vet for a quick medical examination and treatment.

Besides, if you notice your dog has facial swelling and a faster heart rate, then this is a serious emergency, and you need to take him to the vet right away. The sooner you respond to your dog in this particular situation, the better their chances might be.

Anaphylactic reactions to different allergens should never be taken lightly because they can rapidly become fatal.


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