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These 5 Safe Dog Breeds Are the Least Likely to Attack!

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Image By Pixel-Shot From Shutterstock


You probably did not expect to see the Boxer on this list, but know that as frightening as they may seem at times when protecting their families, this dog breed is actually made up of sweethearts!

Boxers are known for their affectionate nature, unwavering loyalty, intelligence, dashing good looks, and work ethic!

They are the full package, being a dog breed that is always bright and courageous but also loving and silly when the time calls for it.

The Boxer is actually one of America’s favorite dog breeds, given how great they get along with children.

Standing at around 25 inches tall, a healthy boxer is a sight to see, with their short coat and athletic body, not to mention their curious, wrinkled, cute face!

They are playful and patient, which is why they make for great dogs to have around kids, but they are also an amazing watchdog, which will make sure their family is always safe!

A good thing to do with this amazing breed is to make sure you expose them to other dogs and animals, along with lots of people, since they are young, so they can be at peace in any social situation!

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