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5 Surprising Scents Your Dog HATES to Smell

dogs scent smell
Image By Africa Studio From Shutterstock

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are known to us as having a very pleasant, fresh smell, and we have it in a lot of types of products all around the home. From candles and air fresheners all the way to laundry items and cleaning products, citrus flavors can be found all around our homes. You will be sad to hear that your pups do not share in your excitement when it comes to the scent!

The smell of lemons and other citrus fruits is irritating to dogs’ noses, and they do not like it. However, it is not harmful to them if they just smell it around them; it is just not the most pleasant.

You should make sure that they do not eat any part of the citrus fruit, as it can be dangerous to them. And since some dogs will eat anything they see that seems edible, it is not a good idea to use citrus fruit peels as a repellant for them when you want them to stay out of certain areas!

Since they hate vinegar, you should be careful not to clean with it. However, you should make sure that the products you use are not going to accidentally poison your pup! Check out the most toxic cleaning products for your pet here!

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