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5 Surprising Scents Your Dog HATES to Smell

dogs scent
Image By Faizal Ramli From Shutterstock


While we may find the smell of mothballs nostalgic since it reminds us of our grandparents’ house, it is not the same for our pets. These little white balls were placed back in the day together with linens or clothes in order to prevent moths from getting inside them and ruining the cloths and other materials.

Mothballs are very effective; however, it is not just moths that hate them, but dogs too! Naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene is the ingredient in these balls that gives them their signature scent, and it has been discovered over the years that they are actually harmful chemicals when they are inhaled for a long period of time.

Since our pets are more sensitive to all types of chemical compounds than we are, and since mothballs are so pungent when it comes to scent, dogs are at high risk when it comes to coming into contact with them. As they hate the scent, you should not worry about them trying to eat them as they will avoid them on purpose, but they also should not be left smelling them for too long.

Naphthalene is a possible carcinogen for dogs, and it can cause them extensive health issues.


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